This book is about "How to..." but it's not about making money, the number one theme of most e-books. It 's about improving the Health and Wellbeing of your special needs child through Dance.
This manual is absolutely unique. It really is the only one of its kind! It is written to encourage and to help the parents and carers of children with special needs to set up their own Dance Movement therapy groups. No other professional Dance Movement therapist has suggested that this is possible.
Yes, I know - there are books on Dance Movement for the use of teachers in schools. But this is often using dance only to reinforce lesson work. This is a good thing but I offer MUCH more. It is also true that increasing numbers of dance schools welcome the child with special needs. Again this is a good thing but what is practiced is not necessarily Dance Movement Therapy. The dancing is usually geared towards the able-bodied ;majority with little or no adaptations for the child with special needs. The special needs children strive to reach often unobtainable standards. THIS DOES NOT ENCOURAGE THE CHILDREN TO ENJOY DANCE. My method is fun and totally in involves everyone in a relaxed atmosphere. This increases the children's feelings of self-worth and confidence to try new things. It is also good exercise which increases lung capacity, flexibility and improves posture.
Following my suggestions you can unlock the fountain of natural, joyous, spontaneous dance within your child. Movement which comes from deep within a person is a true expression of themselves. These movements truly express the person who is dancing and are never, ever ugly. Such dance strengthens the Mind,Body,Spirit connection. You will get to learn new things about your child and to deepen the bonds between you. You will be helping your child to realize his or her full potential. This manual has been written because I believe from the bottom of my heart that the parents of children with special needs can be taught to help their child through Dance Movement therapy.
Dance Movement therapy is gaining acceptance in general, but in many parts of the world is unobtainable, and in others expensive and hard to find. My suggestions can be made relevant to any culture in the world.
I hope that this manual will give you the confidence and know-how to start your own Dance Movement Therapy group.
Now that I've told you something about myself I want to get right back to the purpose of this manual. I've already stated with total conviction that I think parents can become Dance Movement teachers to their children with special needs.
Why do I believe this?
Let me ask you some questions first:-
Do you desperately want to help your child who has special needs?
Are you looking for a method to calm/stimulate him or her?
Are you looking for a method to have a very deep level of communication with him or her?
Are you looking for ways to have fun and explore the potential of your child?
Are you looking for ways to help your child to integrate socially?
Are you looking for a way to improve your child's posture and co-ordination?
Are you looking for ways to give your child confidence and a feeling of self-worth?
If your answer to these questions is "Yes" then this manual is most definitely for you!
I really want to reassure you that you do NOT need to be a professionally trained dancer to be a successful Dance Movement Therapist. It is important though that you find enjoyment in dance. What is essential is to be able to recognize and understand the power of dance movement. To go from movement to dance is a smaller step than you might imagine. AND I intend to give you lots of tips as to how to do this.
Nearly all of us, even the most profoundly disabled, are often capable of a level of dance. You can dance using only your fingers and/or toes. All of us have an inbuilt ability to dance though clearly some people have greater talent than others.
ONE WORD OF WARNING! DO NOT EVER MANIPULATE A CHILD INTO A POSITION. These are not physiotherapy sessions, nor gymnastic sessions, nor formal dance lessons. These sessions are about self-expression through Dance Movement.
Also please be clear that Dance Movement Therapy is not necessarily going to be a cure in the medical sense but it can bring bout both physical and psychological improvement.
I implore you not to be frightened and put off by the idea of dance. You can move! I'll show you how to turn simple everyday movement into dance. Dance Movement Therapy is a wide ranging term and it can even lead into very physical games. Great emphasis is being laid on the fact that parents are capable of conducting Dance Movement sessions with their children who have special needs. This really is true in the main.
You will take to Dance Movement therapy like a duck to water if:-
You are open to new ideas
You have confidence in yourself
You are sociable and outgoing
You are intuitive
You enjoy music
You enjoy physical activity
You do not expect results overnight
You are very introverted
Other peoples opinions are paramount in your life
You are unable to be yourself
You have difficulty communicating your thoughts and feelings
You are uncomfortable with physical contact
You are very conservative in your outlook
You have difficulty being spontaneous
then you may find things a little more difficult at the beginning. Just because someone is not immediately brilliant at something does not mean that the person is not deriving benefit from what they are doing. -You will receive great personal benefit from the sessions.
http:/www.strategicbookpublishing.com/TalesMyGhanaianGrandmotherToldMe.html Now Available through Amazon.com
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